The work continues this week. Interior framing and plumbing are done this week, HVAC stuff is largely done as well, moving now to the electrician. Our mason starts next week, putting up the stone. We still have to pick our siding and our "hardy board" which is a stucco like product. Picked beautiful Ariscraft stone (sort of a beige olive green colour) It's here. Ours is the smooth one on the bottom.

For the kids rooms, I am starting there with the decorating schemes. The kids rooms will be very cool -but small. We are doing loft beds and built ins. Check out this very cool bedding set I got for the 4 year old. Love it. His room is a dark tealish grey blue and the orange in the picture.
He is v. excited about it - and wants the bean bag!

Have to get the lighting organized. We are doing potlights throughout the house, but I have to pick some ceiling fans and decide on a dining room light and the island lighting. Not too promising so far on the contemporary ceiling fans, but I haven't hit the biggest stores yet. Am thinking streamlined, steel, maybe kind of art deco looking, 20's feel. Like this or this:

Time to turn to the fun stuff ... the inside. As you all know, I love to shop. And shopping for furniture is one of my very favourite things in this entire world. The husband will even do it with me - so that makes it even more fun (and I don' t have to hide the bags ...)
Last weekend in Toronto, we bought these lovely chairs, to go in our library area. I love the nailheads. Have been dreaming and craving nailheads. Have been drooling over anything with nailheads. We got both, floor models, for a steal. While shopping is good, shopping with a deal is even better. It's like the fudge sauce on an ice cream sundae. Anyone can pick something expensive and have it look great -- but not everyone can find chairs like these for HALF PRICE. Ah, my talents have to lie somewhere .....
I sat in them and bought them in about five minutes. Literally. Ok, they are sitting in Toronto right now, we couldn't bring them home in our car. But I will find a way. Oh, yes. I will find a way, my friends.
Then, we found these cool stools: We wanted ones that swiveled, and we wanted backs and we wanted white leatha ... So haven't bought them, but will pick them up when we grab the chairs.

For the kids rooms, I am starting there with the decorating schemes. The kids rooms will be very cool -but small. We are doing loft beds and built ins. Check out this very cool bedding set I got for the 4 year old. Love it. His room is a dark tealish grey blue and the orange in the picture.

Must sign off. My life is very exciting - have to go pick up toilets.....